Tuesday, July 31, 2012

BLOG HOP!! Checking out the other Fabulous Bloggers!

An Olympian Day Out

In a spontaneous turn of events, I came home from work on Sunday and found out we were going to the Olympics the next day! Specifically, we were going to see the Men's Team Gymnastics final. Team GB had a team in the final and we would see the medal ceremony too. Ahhh! Exciting!

We left Nuneaton at 10am on the train, and got in to London Euston just before midday. And yes, the train station was busy. Police dotted about and just people everywhere. Off to the Tube. As we had only bought the tickets the day before, we went straight to the venue (the North Greenwich Arena, AKA the O2 Arena, AKA the Millenium Dome) to pick up the tickets and make sure we had plenty of time before the 4.30pm session start.

Got there and got the tickets in loads of time to spare. Kudos to Transport of London and the London 2012 people, because everything was running smoothly and calmly with info and directions freely available.

After some food, we went and got some merchandise and then made our way into the arena. And we had amazing seats! We were right next to the high bar.

Only five rows back from the front! Also there's my mum photobombing...
There was a sort of energy buzzing around the arena, as everyone trickled in. Everyone was anticipating an exciting afternoon ahead.

Team GB over by the pommel horse
About half an hour before the gymnasts came in, we got treated to a sort of warm-up act: Pixie Lott! We had literally no idea that was going to happen, another bonus. She came out and sang Use Sombody by Kings of Leon and then one of her own songs.

The main event was the highlight. Obviously. The atmosphere was electric, and every Team GB performance was met with a roar of approval from the crowd.

Britain on the parallel bars
We couldn't really see Team GB too well from where we were sitting at the start but with all the other teams on the other apparatus, there was plenty to look at. In fact, too much! I didn't know where to look, and sometimes I was clapping for... well, I don't know what!

But in the end, not being able to see them at the start, worked to our advantage, because the end of the competition was so exciting. Going into the last event (for Team GB, the floor), Team GB was in contention for a medal: silver or bronze, the first time in, I think, 80 years of British gymnastics history.

Watching Team GB doing their floor routines, well, I couldn't have told you what even Team USA was doing on the high bar right in front of me! Max Whitlock and Daniel Purvis both had really good scores for their routines, but Kristian Thomas absolutely nailed his. And the noise as he finished was amazing, especially as he egged the crowd on.

After his score was released, the roof was blown off the arena, I swear. Team GB had won the silver medal! It was so exciting, I can't describe it.

But unfortunately, Japan appealed and won, getting an increased score for something (can't say I really know what was going on. Perhaps the only disadvantage from watching the telly coverage was the lack of commentary and therefore explanation) so Team GB was demoted to bronze. Massive boos erupted across the arena...

Anyway. We still won a medal, and we had got to see it happen live :D And the ceremony was pretty cool to witness in person.
Blurry pic of the medal cermony. Britain is on the left

Other than the main event, there were some other exciting happenings.

Photographic evidence of Chelsea Handler's presence.
1. Chelsea Handler off of American telly was sitting in the seat literally in front of me. Didn't really notice it was her until the end, but when Megan and I saw her face, we both turned to each other and mouthed "That's Chelsea Lately!!!" In the first photo above you can also see the back of her head between Megan and me.
Delta Goodrem on the Tube

2. Prince William and Prince Harry were there, in the crowd. Unfortunately we couldn't see them from where we were. Apparently they were on the opposite side of the stadium. Megan was beside herself when she found out.

3. We saw Delta Goodrem off of Neighbours (also went out with Nick Jonas, and sings a bit) on the Tube.

I have been to London many times and have never seen a celebrity randomly on the Tube, or out and about. And now I've seen two! You wait for one bus and three come at once...

Well, anyway. We had the most amazing day, one of those once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that I'm glad I didn't let pass me by. Yay! For London 2012!

July 31 - Vanessa

Another day of my favorite photographic lighting the overcast/sunny. It brings such a softness and glow to photos. It's just beautiful. I always call it a "silver sky".
Today is another busy day. And i just felt the need to put together some neutral clothing, with my red lips and espadrilles.

Red Lipstick - Clinique - Angel Red
Gold sweater (under T shirt) - H&M
Peasant T shirt - Express
Bermudas - Old Navy
Espadrilles - Target

Monday, July 30, 2012

July 30 - Vanessa

Another UBER busy day for me. I'm doing a tour de 50 mile radius today, but hopefully all my work will pay off. Trucking kids all over creation is fun in the summer. Poor babies. :-(

Pink Top - Express (handpainted by Me)
Nude tank - Gap
Skirt - it was a thrifted dress that I made into a skirt

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Thrifting - July 29

Ooooh, I found so many things today. Above, a FABULOUS, perfect condition 1980s "9 to 5" dress. it's hot pink, with great pleating, huge SHOULDER PADS! So awesome. This was my daughters favorite. GO 80s GO!

Another one of these immaculate 1960s dresses that I found before. this is a green daisy print, super thick polyester, so awesome. perfect condition, homemade. I love the notch collar, so cute.

THIS IS MY FAV!! I would say late 60s/early 70s full length dress, of course short on me, but I'm 6 foot tall. The print is DIVINE! and it has this GREAT sparkly gold rick-rack "V" detail that I just love. I wanted to be Sharon Stone in "Casino" with this dress.

Another one of those great 60s/70s work/house dresses. I looooove the chevron striping, and the zipper down the middle. this was very well worn, someone did a lot of housecleaning in this dress, or rocking out.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Street Style - Lauren & Brandon

Lauren and Brandon, spotted in Downtown Birmingham looking amazing in casual chic, warm weather, fun saturday night attire. I love Lauren's long length Zebra print top, and Brandon's amazing sunglasses. They look fabulous. Fun, happy, GREAT looking couple. I'm in love.

*Thanks to Teena and Mirriah for style spotting!! huggies*

July 28 - Vanessa *Girls Day*

We had some errands to run today, and it was just a good day for yellow.

Dress - H&M
Shirt - Thrifted
Headband - Daughter's

Dress - Target

Dealing with Fandom

While Twitter was down a few days ago, I thought I'd fill my time by having a thought.

I was and sort of still am a fan of Twilight. And when I say fan, I mean, I read the books and have watched all the films thus far released, and was rather enamoured by Mr Pattinson for awhile there (sorry Rob, Darren has just caught me... hook, line and sinker).

I entered the fandom feet first, having already been part of the Harry Potter fandom, so knew that I was about to enter obsession-level territory, where people knew anything and everything to do with Twilight.

And initially, in the honeymoon phase, it was a lot of fun. I've met some amazing people, who I am still friends with now through Twilight. Sue (@Roselover24) set up a blog, where Tanja (@TheycallmeT_) and me help(ed) out, then Jeannie (@gojeannie) joined in on the fun. I've even met some of them in real life, including T, and Skyped with those who are further afield (one day we will meet, Sue and Jeannie! ;) ).

In a way, Twilight was a replacement for Harry Potter in a sense that there was still a lot of new stuff waiting to happen. When I first read Twilight, Deathly Hallows had already been published so it sort of felt like there was a limited amount of stuff left.

But then the shine started to wear off.

And for me, most of that can be traced to one thing: hate of Kristen Stewart.

Let me clarify. Not my own opinion of Kristen Stewart, or any indivdual in particular but the fandom's hate as a whole.

Obviously, the recent "news" that Stewart cheated on boyfriend, Robert Pattinson has made me think about this but that's not what I want to talk about here.

I get it. Kristen Stewart is kinda like marmite. You either love her or hate her. But while I neither love her nor hate her, I lean towards liking her. I'm not going to go into reasons why, because a) that's not the point I'm trying to make, b) I can't really put a finger on it, and c) I can't be bothered right now.

But what always gets to me, is the seemingly unadulterated HATE for a girl/woman/person who is an actress by trade, a celebrity by the nature of that business.

Fine, you don't think she can act. Fine, you think she should "try harder" when talking to the media or whatever. Fine, you think she shouldn't be dating Robert Pattinson (cheating aside).

My point is, if you don't like her, maybe even hate her, why even bother wasting your effort on her?

Every tweet, every comment, every word you say about her, is another moment of energy you have wasted on someone you supposedly hate. If you don't like her, ignore her. Focus on what you do like, like Rob!

Over the past few days, my twitter feed has just been filled with bitchiness and hate.

There is one person I would hate to be right now, and that is her. Not only has her personal life apparently gone tits up (regardless of who's fault it is), but she is getting the mother of all shitstorms for it.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not condoning what she did, but I do wonder how it would have panned out if the tables had been turned, i.e. Rob cheated on her. (Considering how Kristen Stewart has previously been treated by Twilight/Robert Pattinson fans, I'd say the blame would have been put on her and she would have "deserved it". Just sayin'.)

This has what has put the nail in the coffin, so to speak, on my direct participation in the Twilight fandom. Initially, I got distracted by Darren Criss Glee, and the Glee fandom has it's own share of hate-mongering, but this Kristen Stewart hate seems to colour everything to do with Twilight now.

Fandoms are supposed to be places of fun. Places we go to talk about the thing we all have in common, a love for that thing. And unfortunately the Twilight fandom stopped being that for me.

Maybe one day, we can go back to enjoying what we initially all came together over... I look forward to that day.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Olympics Opening Ceremony - Best Uniforms


Are you kidding me? there is no contest. I love these uniforms. they don't look like a stupid un-usable suit with a weird hat that most of the countries have on, including mine. These are modern, the colors are great, the fit is great, this is def something i could see myself wearing. I'll have to hit up Puma's website and see.... :-)

My Favorite Olympics - 1964

Sjoukje Dijkstra

For the love of 1964. I wish I was in my prime in this era. I just had a discussion today with some women about female athletics not being a beauty pageant. But I can't help but respect the athleticism AND appreciate the style of this era. Doing full gymnastics with a giant blonde beehive hairdo should get extra points. I love women and I celebrate them in all their facets. I am/was a high level athlete and I feel that women in this position should be able to express what they want and not be judged for it, no matter where on the spectrum they fall.

Vera Caslavska

July 27 - Vanessa

It's Friday, and today outside is my favorite lighting for photography, overcast but bright. It gives such a cool-toned filter to everything, brings a softness. Hopefully, i'll be able to take some more photos today.  Anyways, today is a day for fabulousness and function, and this ensemb fits the bill. This is also great for babywearing since everything stays in place very well. Also, i am not an amputee, i just look that way today. LOL.

Headscarf - Vintage Pucci Print
Dress - Vintage (gift from JC)
Lace T - Express
Belt Tied in a large bow at the back - Target (comes with my purple dress i wore yesterday)
No shoes!! ;-)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Street Style - Cryptic Motorcyclists

Ok, so is this in code? I see Goofy, Starshines and the word "Dude". WHAT IS THE CONNECTION!!?? Maybe this is Biker Code for something, or a treasure map that the CIA placed here for operatives that leads to the world's most gigantic diamond. If anyone can decipher this, please let me know.

July 26 - Vanessa

I love color. And I love to pop a collar. Why not?

Purple Dress - Target
T shirt - Old Navy
Beads - NYC street
Gold Shoes - Target

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Thrifting - 70s Work Dresses and 80s Prom!!

Saw this AWESOME 1980s dress today. it's a great shiny taffeta with a crinoline and everything, the shoulders are wired so that they stand out from the body a bit, tres magnifique!!

There were 2 of these Rocking Awesome 1970s Work/Waitress/House dresses, i just loved them, they fit me so well. At first I thought they were very Laverne & Shirley, i could picture myself working in the beer factory with them. hahha. tres chic.

Also in Navy. The white "pockets" are actually faux. Which i love. how great is it to have a non-functional pocket.
These are so great. If anyone is interested in them. email me at: readydressedgo@gmail.com

July 25 - Vanessa *dresses over dresses, and skirts over dresses*

What is more stylish than one great dress? TWO GREAT DRESSES.

Blake, Diane and Karolina have done skirts over dresses, which is the look i was originally going for, i wanted to wear my gold brocade skirt over the pink waitress dress, but I couldn't find it, darn. I love Diane's pairing above, the stripes compliment the print on the green dress, the yellow shoes, i just love it. and I like how the dress kind of ruffles under the bottom of her skirt. 

My outfit:
Pink Dress - Vintage
Grey Dress - H&M
Cat eye sunglasses - Forever 21
Shoes - Target

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

This is how you do PJs

this is just what i put on to go to bed. not trying to be cool or anything, it was actually just what i could grab without waking the baby. My husband says, "Nice outfit." I guess he digs the cheetah-on-cheetah look.

Street Style - Slayer Uber Alles

I saw this young man. About 12 Krogering with his dad, buying juice boxes and gatorade with this Slayer shirt and it just made me so happy. I mean Slayer is so face-melting and intense and on this innocent young lad, i just think it's such a study in opposites and I love it. I am glad he is listening to Slayer and owns the shirt and goes shopping with his dad. This is all very good to me.

Book Review: Divergent by Veronica Roth

Synopsis: In the future, 16-year-old Beatrice Prior must choose among five predetermined factions that will define her identity for the rest of her life. This decision made more difficult when she discovers that she is an anomaly who does not fit into any one group, and that the society she lives in is not perfect after all.

Number of Pages: 487

Rating: 8/10

Overall impression: Great read. Likeable female protagonist. The first two thirds of the book could be seen as slow if you like to get right to the action, but the underlying tension keeps you reading til the climatic final act.

Divergent (Divergent, #1)

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July 24 - Vanessa

Lazy, hot morning. Broke out the 1990s Abercrombie & Fitch pants. they are super soft and kind of a current wide leg fit. the waist is a bit high, but nothing a long tank won't fix.

Sheer Top - Target
Tank - Gap
Pants - Abercrombie & Fitch
Leopard ballet flats - I have no idea. ahhah. honestly

Monday, July 23, 2012

Amy's Wedding. What to wear?

I have a lovely wedding to go to next month, a beautiful hilarious wonderful friend of mine is marrying her true love, it's a great thing. Also, it is an amazing opportunity to play dress up.
I've been looking at a lot of old Dior photographs, and photos from the 1940s and the women, with their red lips, a small veil or hat, and a deliberate sartorial look, i appreciate that. So this is one option for my friend's ceremony, I'm sure I'll try something many other looks. Do you ever really try to go for something, slightly costume-y? I love it. Do it.

Veil - Handmade by me
Shrug - Betsy Johnson (gift from JC)
Necklace - Frank & Me
Dress - London Times
Shoes - Salsa dancing shoes

July 23 - Vanessa (and my girl)

My girl and I mugging it for a Monday morning. Cotton clothes are so comfortable, and when you wear printed separates that include a skirt, you instantly look like you put something amazing together when it is exactly as comfortable as pajamas. and that is my mantra, "Be pajama comfortable."

Mini Jacket - H&M
Zebra T - Pitaya R.O.
Skirt - Target
Shoes - Target
(I think i should be getting a Target sponsorship for all this free advertising, LOL)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

July 22 - Thrifting *hit the gold mine*

Holy lord i found some amazing Thrift finds this weekend. I almost passed out from the sheer amazement of finding these amazing clothes. Above, oh god, that is gorgeous, it's a super soft material, almost like a thin micro fleece, has the original belt, it's so Charlie's Angels, I love it.

This dress above, oh my goodness, i jumped for joy when i saw it. This one I will not give away, The print is perfect, a zipper down the middle, the material, it's so great. Big collar, what more can you ask for?

This is a great 1960s dress. it has these cute buttons at the foldover collar, it's beautiful. it has a straight fit, hugs the curves, the paisley print is so Austin Powers. It even has a bit of shine. wonderful

This one, above, is so 1980s, I love it. I drew in the belt, because it clearly needs a HUGE BLACK PATENT BELT with a BIG GOLD JEWELED buckle. with some shoulder pads it would be so Dynasty. it has a great drape, dolman sleeves, tiny black dot print that you can't really see here. i think it has pockets too, bonus.
For inquiries on these dresses (except the Green Print! that's mine forever!) readydressedgo@gmail.com

Saturday, July 21, 2012

July 21 - Date Night

Date Night, Baby!!! Our anniversary is tomorrow, so I'm trying to look my best for the man that i love.

Dress - Gift from JC (Betty Page)
Shoes - Target

Friday, July 20, 2012

Perfect Vintage 1960s A-line Shift

I'm trying to make room for my new style crush acquisitions... So i'm thinking to put some of my 1960s stuff up for adoption. This is a perfect condition 1960s silk shantung-ish (probably polyester) ice blue dress, it has a sparkly, faux pearl enhanced collar and POCKETS! It's beautiful. Comfortable and stylish. I've gotten tons of compliments on it. I just want to really hone my Pam Grier bad-ass 1970s woman clothing collection and need to clear some pieces out.
If anyone wants it contact me at: readydressedgo@gmail.com

New Cat Eye Sunglasses

Bought a pair of these today, similar to the Tom Ford pair sported by Nicole Ritchie here. Mine of course were from Forever 21, were $5, and i actually NEEDED them since it was sunny and i did not have any sunglasses to wear. So it was obviously a safety issue. :-) I like the shape, it's different than my usual bug-eye or Jackie O shaped sunglasses that i usually wear. it's good to step outside the box.

Shoe Shopping

Are you kidding me?
Irregular Choice (they have the best shoes) Rubixxi, retails for about $105.
I just love the gold and the sequins and the animal print, and you know that platform is making your legs look fantastic. these are a work of art.

July 20 - Vanessa *New Photography*

At first i thought that using my cell phone to take the photos gave a good baseline reference, but after thinking about it, why wouldn't i have good photography, when that is entirely at my disposal? So here we go, a change. It might be a little less instant, but it's worth it. Ala, my new "studio".

Chartreuse shirt - NY & Co
T shirt - Express
Skirt - Express
Shoes - Thrifted

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Pin-Up Eyebrows

I am obsessed with eyebrows, i love huge crazy ones on men, and I like a strong brow on myself, much like the one above. I have naturally blonde eyebrows (and eyelashes, wtf) so every single day, even if i am not wearing much makeup, i want to fill them in and shape them. Oh yes, and also I was a teen in the late 1990s, so of course i plucked the hell out of them, and had them waxed into perfect skinny lines, that was not a good idea. I saw this article on FB the other day by Micheline Pitt, WHAT A BEAUTY! Click here for the article
Such good instruction. I had been using brow pencil or more actually brown eyeliners, now i think i'll try a powder/eyeshadow. I've thought about dyeing my eyebrows but they are a bit sparse, so I think it wouldn't make my situation better. I don't think I'll ever have them waxed again either, so they are in my hands forever now, or at least until the trend turns again.

July 19 - Vanessa **Boblo Island**

Check out how I mimicked the shirring of the skirt in the tuck of the T shirt, a masterpiece. :-)

I love this Boblo Island shirt. It is worn to perfection, so thin and tissue-like that you can see through it, and it is ohhhhh sooooo soft.

Shirt - Husband's
Silk Crepe Skirt - Banana Republic
Boots - Random Mall Store

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Street Style - Cowgirls

I saw these wonderful girls at the County Fair ( my fav holiday ) rocking REAL WESTERN STYLE. Annnnndddd, they REALLY ride horses, which is awesome. These ladies have brought together the perfect trifecta of Cowgirl Style:

Plus, they were really nice and friendly. I love it.

Street Style - July 18 - Teenage Dream

He's wearing a old school Chicago Bulls baseball cap with a straight across brim, black framed eye glasses, this AMAZING stars and stripes tank, cargo shorts (yawn), BLACK SOCKS AND SHOES. I like a black sock with a black shoe, it kind of ends up looking like boots. he was with another similarly dressed kid, and a third that looked about the same age, but was conservatively dressed and they kept calling him "Dad". i was standing behind them next to a rack of thrift store knock-off purses and this kid looks at them and goes, "LOOK THEY GOT GUCCI AND SHIT HERE!" i choke-laughed inside. I love people.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Film Review: Magic Mike

Cast: Channing Tatum, Alex Pettyfer, Matthew McConaughey, Matt Bomer, Joe Manganiello, Cody Horn

Certificate: 15 (R)

Rating: 8/10

Overall: Too much plot, not enough stripping. Hilarious, light-hearted first half, slightly depressing, moral second half. Really entertaining, with a slightly depressing turn about half-way through as an attempt to make this a meaningful film.

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Saturday, July 7, 2012

One Year On

It has been exactly one year since I graduated.

Yup. I know. I graduated on the same day as the World Premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.

That first week of July 2011 was a really exciting week all round to be honest.

On the 5th, Megan (my sister) and I went to see Darren Criss in one of four live shows he did in London after the end of the Glee Live Tour.

Yep, we were quite excited...
Joe Walker and Darren Criss. Look how close we were!
I also got to meet Liz for the first time, who is my fellow Darren lover, and we've been obsessing together ever since.

Then on the 7th July, it was my graduation, i.e. this happened:

Shiny red face because it was boiling where we had the photos done.
As this was the same day as the Harry Potter premiere, it meant we couldn't go down to Trafalgar Square and get a last chance to experience this phenomenon the first time round. Megan was not impressed when I informed her that my graduation clashed...

Anyway, graduation was pretty cool, one of those moments that you'll always remember. A moment for everyone to recognise what you achieved.

But perhaps the most amusing thing from that day is the procession at the end of the graduation ceremony. We, as newly-minted graduates, got to walk out to, I shit you not, this: 

Which is to say, we walked out to The Entry of the Gladiators by Julius Fučík. I am still wondering if they were expecting us to do cartwheels and juggle down the aisle...

At the time, I said that graduating on the same day as the last Harry Potter premiere was like the official end of my childhood. The first book came out when I was 8, the first film came out the same year I moved up to secondary school, and then I graduated as it all finished...

And to be honest, I was probably right.