Friday, August 10, 2012

Beauty and Monica Bellucci

Flipping through the Vogue magazine tonight, I love looking at the advertisement photos, and I saw this Dolce & Gabbana lipstick ad with Monica Bellucci, and I thought, "oh my goodness, what a perfect face to show off your splendid makeup". I've always been in awe of her, flawless features, she just has an aura that you cannot replicate. I love also that she is 47, a mother of two, she's now the face of Dolce & Gabbana cosmetics and also in their clothing advertisements looking GORGEOUS, such a rich Italian vibe going on, it's so amazing.

I also love that she's married to Vincent Cassel, both of them have these interesting character faces, such a thing to admire, i'm so glad that they have children, these genes just need to be combined and propagated. PS- how great of a married couple shot is this?

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