Monday, November 18, 2013

Nashville Hipster Bingo

 I went to Nashville last weekend, it was kind of one of those, "What the hell, let's go somewhere!" types of vacations. And this one was PURE AWESOME.

As a born and bred Northerner, I had ALWAYS thought that Tennessee was ONLY populated by people that look like this:

But when I arrived there, at the Uber Kool loft we rented, this girl in J.Brand jeans and GOLD Adidas hightops greeted us and i was like, "WHAT THE HELL!? Am I at the Magic Stick?"

And from that moment on, all of the native Nashvillians that we met looked like this:

These are all actual Nashville residents. 

It's like hipster Detroit Cass Corridor meets Ferndale meets the parts of Royal Oak that haven't been ruined.

 We were totally shocked. There was a bar at the bottom floor of our building, apparently frequented by Jack White, NOW I CAN SEE WHY!
This place is NOT *country* NOT *cowboy up* NOT *yee haw*!!

It's cool young stylish people doing great art and music and all having fun together in a city where the housing costs are not exorbitant.... yet.

Plus, it's FREAKING SAFE. The girl we rented from said, "ooohhhhh, yeah, i wouldn't recommend walking at night..."
We decided that the *worst* parts of Nashville are as crime-filled as the *best* parts of Detroit, so we skipped and frolicked through the whole city like we were in Xanadu.

One thing that was a bit different about the Nashville hipster look was the application of cowboy boots:

And sometimes a jaunty little vest and bowtie, so they look like gorgeous spritely riverboat gamblers.

So we felt so at home, and pretty much did the Nashville Hipster Tour:

  • Rolf & Daughters
  • Frist Art Center
  • A row of shops that artisans were making their wares & selling them in-house
  • Pharmacy Burgers
  • Monell's (best ever)
We swilled handmade whiskey, and listened to bands that no one's ever heard of before (oh yeah, except that one guy) and never felt out of place or missed home. Because we truly felt that we were at home.

We can't wait to see you again, Nashville

And visit our hipster brethren again:
*muah muah*

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