Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The New Year Resolution Hype


Happy New Year!

Thanks so much for another year of blogging and your support. I want to wish everyone happiness, perfect health and success in all new endeavors of your pursuits in 2014. I've stopped making new years resolutions because well for one I don't' believe they work and secondly I believe there's too much pressure involved in setting goals just because its a "new year'. I mean lets be honest if you were slacking before and avoiding  something you know was of importance why would a new year motivate anyone? I think everyone is at his or her best simply when we decide to gradually work towards a goal upon realizing that every day is a new opportunity for change and even miracles to happen. Changing "negative behavior" or losing 20 lbs doesn't come over night and neither does making a decision to pursue them. My message is go easy on yourself, don't change too much and don't' fall for the New Years resolution hype.  Well hope you enjoy tonight and if your parting please use a designated driver or call a cab! Until next time!

"beauty is a lifestyle"

2013: A Year in Reviews

I can't believe it but it's come around again. Christmas is just around the corner, as is 2014. So it is about time for a run down of the year.

Before I run through the books I've read this year, I think I'll just recap the highlights of my year.
  • In April, I got offered a job at the school that I'd been volunteering in. At the end of that school year, that job was extended/increased for this school year.
  • May/June. Amazing holiday to Florida, which took in the Harry Potter world at Universal, and some diving in Key West.
  • New baby cousin, Imogen, was born in June. I was also asked to be the Godmother.
  • July. Quit my job waitressing. Can't say I miss the job. Though I made some good friends there.
  • August saw my sister and I attending two conferences in quick succession: LeakyCon London and Summer in the City. Both were awesome experiences that I will never forget. Here's hoping to attending those events again at some point.
  • October. Another new cousin (this time, once-removed), Libby was born. 
  • Finally got my certificate saying I'd passed my Level 1 in British Sign Language. Finished Level 2, waiting for the results...
  • Also my parents have managed to sell our house. Just in the process of finalising everything. So we could be moving house at any moment!
A few bum notes were hit through the year:
  • I didn't manage to get onto a teacher training course. Trying again this year.
  • Got my phone stolen at my waitressing job, just before I quit. Felt like I had lost a limb, or at least my little finger...
Overall, 2013 has been very kind to me. Fingers crossed for some more of the same in 2014!

Ok, onto the books!
This year's 'Read' books
My challenge this year was to read 20 books. Not a huge challenge compared to a lot of people, but I wanted a realistic goal that was both motivating but not demoralising in its size. And YAY because I completed the challenge! I have actually read 24 books this year (although that does not include the fact that I read HP1 in French too).

Here are my Top Ten books from this year's batch:
  1. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
  2. The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay
  3. Geekhood: Close Encounters of the Girl Kind by Andy Robb
  4. Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion
  5. Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
  6. Delirium by Lauren Oliver
  7. Insurgent/Allegiant by Veronica Roth
  8. Flat-Out Love by Jessica Park
  9. Just Listen by Sarah Dessen
  10. VIII by HM Castor
Most challenging: The Marlowe Papers by Ros Barber.
Least favourite: Matched by Ally Condie.

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish girls. You should definitely join in if you haven't already!

My reading rate has increased massively this year, due mostly to that wonderful invention, the Kindle. I have really enjoyed challenging myself with books that are outside of my preferred genres, and I hope I will continue to find books that do just that. But mostly, I've just really loved rediscovering my love of reading!

Let me know what books you have loved this year... or which ones you hated. Or just say hi!

Monday, December 30, 2013

MY Most Fashionable Men of 2013 (not the Pope)

Esquire magazine just named THIS GUY, Pope Francis, as *Best Dressed Man of 2013*
I am not joking. Here is the article (click here)


To be clear, I have nothing against the Pope. 

BUT, I love fashion, and I would have LOVED to see someone that puts THOUGHT and CREATIVITY, Heart and SOUL into their passion for dressing. 
The Pope wears a uniform. 

So I took it upon myself to find the ACTUAL most stylish men of 2013. Here they are *BAM*

- Devendra Banhart
lawd jesus, I've had a crush on him for a decade.
 He's always had great style. I mean look at this
 He even looks good wearing a DAMN JUMPSUIT!
You cannot deny that this is better than a poly-blend Pope robe!

- Lenny Kravitz
this man has looked fantastic every day of his life.
 And here he is with his daughtie. Love him even more.
 Does Lenny just NOT AGE? What the hell? "Mama Said" came out in 1991! and he just keeps looking more and more handsome & stylish. Def best dressed.
Don't you agree?

- Pharrell Williams
(needs no explanation)
 Fantastic musician, Good Looking, AMAZING DRESSER Always!

 Swagger for decades.

Wears a tux just OWNING the look. This man knows how to wear clothes.

- Russell Westbrook
Super Creative Sartorial Master & Awesome Basketball Player (poor buddy got injured)
 Always lots of color and GREAT FIT. I love that he does a tailored slim silhouette.

Dudes, get yourself a cardigan. It just makes you look put together.

-Ryan Gosling
"hey girl.... I'm gorgeous and I stop crimes from happening and I dress sharp on top of that!"
 Not many men have the courage to wear the deep-V. I love it. I've tried to get Stonewash into these.
 Slim fit suit in TEAL. BOOM!! CHAMPION!!
 He just could not look better than right here. This is Sartorialist "I live in Milan and drive gorgeous wooden boats around" shit. Could anyone in their right mind think this is not as good looking as the Pope.

Now, let's explore this...

Was Esquire AT DEADLINE, and they needed to GET THIS ARTICLE THE HELL DONE so they were like, "FUCK IT! PICK THE POPE!! No one can argue that! If they do they're going STRAIGHT TO HELL!"
 Please give me your thoughts. I do not understand this at all. It saddens me.

New Artist Alert: Banks

Happy Monday!


I'm  in love in with this song by California native Banks her new single is hot, its called This is What it Feels Like.  From Lady Gaga, Katie Perry, Rihanna Lord and many others the femmes are holding it down!!

"beauty is a lifestyle"

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Style Role-Models for 2014

Staying the same is boring, we must always be evolving. At least that's my goal. 

I was thinking, "How do I think my wardrobe should change for 2014?" I think I shall go for more ladylike tailored silhouettes, and these women will be my role-models, since they exemplify that aesthetic. 

1. Giovanna Battaglia - Fashion Editor, Stylist, Gorgeous High Style Lady that I Love. 
 This dress is my jam. I'm sure it's Prada, but I would find something like this thrifting. So great.

The fit and lipstick red color of this trench make me want to die. So perfect.

I love this "bummin around town" ensemble. Full skirt, the boots, the super cool jacket.

Now this is a look that I have not worn, but would like to explore. The high waisted skirt with a tucked in shirt, I've never really done that.

2. Miroslava Duma - Former Fashion Editor, current fashion writer/blogger, CONSTANT FASHION ICON.
 i have NEVER said a non-negative word about overalls, let alone LEATHER overalls. But DAYUM GIRL, she is making them work. I even find myself wanting some. Is she magic?

She is just so goddamn cute. I love this whole look head to toe. It's quirky, colorful, fun, comfortable, beautiful.

Are you kidding me with this jacket? If I had this it would never enter the closet because I would always be wearing it. What a find.

This "trench" is a piece of art. I love the delicacy of the flower appliques, and it's also so flattering.

3. Ulyana Sergeenko - Fashion Designer, Style Icon, Gorgeous Beauty, Photographer.

What I love about her is that she always looks like she's in costume. She has a wardrobe for the dramatic play of life.

 A lot of throwback silhouettes, much emphasizing the waist. She also often pays homage to her russian roots with head coverings and interesting prints.
 ALSO, She's a member of the pixie club. *muah*

So who influences you? What aspects of fashion would you like to try? What would you like to be?
I'd love to know.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christams!!


"beauty is a lifestyle"

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Berry Wine Stained Lips

Happy Christmas Eve!


Before you head out to your next Christmas party try the latest trend in  make-up, wine stained lips. Celebrities from Rihanna, Jessica Alba and Kim K.Jessica and Rihanna are two different examples of how the stain works for different tones. I've always loved stained berry wine colors!

"beauty is a lifestyle"

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Weekend Edition: Best Dress Goes to Kim Kardashian

       Hands down this is the best I've ever seen Kim. K. Sleek, sophisticated with side part  waves. This outfit is prefect for Christmas parties!

You guys know I don't normally post on weekends unless its something or someone who's really grab my attention. I was never a huge fan of Kim Kardashians style until she recently rocked this Canary yellow over sized coat and matching silk knee length dress. Talk about perfect for the holidays and right on track with today's trend. Kim you are the fashion Diva of the week!

"beauty is a lifestyle"

Friday, December 20, 2013

DIY: Lip Gloss

Season Greetings!

I know I was away for nearly a week and I swear I'll be back. There was so much going on... Well you guys know how life can get at times so I don't even have to explain myself. After completing another major cleaning i my bathroom I realize I had so much old eye shadow left over. Before I through the eye shadow away I came across this diy that I would do with old eye shadow.  Basically you can use Vaseline, any old eye shadow and make a customize lip balm. I remembered how I would get so many compliments and questions asking which color am I wearing. So next time you have any old eye shadow I suggest making your owner lip balm.Also I'm catching up with Pinning. I've be away for such a while but I hope you check out the last holiday swimwear and dresses I posted! There super cute! Anyway have a safe weekend and I'll see you Monday!

"beauty is a lifestyle"

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Twelve Supermodels of Christmas

Modeling is a bizarre occupation. What are you? An actor? A human clothes hanger? An ideal?

I think it's a mix. It's being an acrobat, a dreamer, a sculpture while being the sculptor. Creating images is an art, good angles and light combined with beauty and control and pleasing proportions.

In the name of Christmas... As a gift to you....

My Twelve Supermodels of Christmas:

1. Dovima.

My all time fav. I don't think there was a model before, or since that has been so dynamic with posing and having the body parts to make these gorgeous angles. Of course she made you want to buy the clothes she was wearing... Because she made them look like fine art.

2. Joan Smalls.

She is of the new school. My favorite model on the runway right now. I feel like she's a chameleon she can appear so different from campaign to campaign. There is not just one look from Joan, every angle, every shot is original and gorgeous. Plus she exudes confidence and strength, which i love.

3. Alek Wek.
I just love her smile and her energy. She BEAMS. With a willowy graceful silhouette. If I were a designer I would want her to wear all of my clothes, because she gives off this feeling that she's living the best life possible. Plus, her shots in profile are to DIE FOR. Just this beauty in the face that's THRILLING.

 4. Agyness Deyn.
She brings character and a different kind of beauty to the table. She spans the spectrum from boyish swagger to Marilyn Monroe glam. I love her street style which is kind of an 80s/90s punk rock vibe.

 5. Gisele.

What I would consider "the last of the supermodels". Someone that is a Brand unto themselves, a household name by only 2 syllables. Her small frame feigns a voluptuous figure, framed by her trademark hair, and flawless cheekbones. She also is an expert posing machine, throwing beautiful extreme angles and playing with the light.

6. Iman.

An icon. This shot is from the 80s, but she looks as beautiful today as she did then! I love her whole story, and her career, her love with David Bowie, that's she's a mother... I just love all of it. The fact that she looks like a painting is just the icing on the cake.

7. Kate Moss.

The Helen of Troy. The face that's launched a thousand campaigns. You can tell that she treats modeling as an art & garments as her tools because the imagery that she's created for the last 35 years is ALWAYS fantastic. Her style off-duty is PERFECTION too. She always looks like a perfect rock n roll bad ass.

8. Linda Evangelista.

when I was a teen first looking through fashion magazines I just idolized Linda with her brazen hair color changes & styles. She just has a face that takes your breath away. Going down the runway, Linda's energy and stomp were contagious and legendary.

9. Raquel Zimmermann.

I LOVE Raquel's work with the photographer David Sims. The photos she's made with him just JUMP off the page. She's such a beauty, but she acts almost more like an athlete while being photographed. 

10. Shalom Harlow

Another one of my early idols. I always felt she has this Dovima meets Elizabeth Taylor aura. With an aristocratic look and porcelain skin, she glows.

11. Naomi Campbell.

She. Is. Perfect. I love her TOTALLY over the top ATTITUDE. She's been the most gorgeous woman in the world for decades and she knows it. There is no other queen, Queen Beyonce? PLEASE. Naomi has been commanding runways since we all were in braces. There is no competition she wins. BOOM

12. Veruschka. 

The world grand champion of the universe for modeling art. She pushed every boundary, until she felt like the photographers ideas were running out and then took matters into her own hands, becoming a photographer herself, inventing images so interesting and different that she became the ARTISTE. And at 71 she still walks runways today! Viva la Veruschka.