Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday - Rewind: Top Ten Reasons Why I Blog

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish Blog, and this week is a REWIND week. So, I have chosen a topic about why I do this blogging malarky and it sort of goes into what I get out of it.
Top Ten Reasons Why I Blog
  • Initially I wanted to just have a place to write my thoughts, and I do still use it for that. I just don't have thoughts very often ;).
  • Once I decided I was going to concentrate more on reviews, my primary aim with this blog was to get me to read more. So far so good.
  • Writing reviews, for me, is a way to think about what I am reading, to not just be a passive audience of the story. Reviewing makes me consider what an event or a character makes me feel etc.
  • I love going on a reccy and seeing what other people thought of the books I've read.
  • During these reccies, I also look for inspiration for which books I should read next, or at least add to my to-read list.
  • I'm hoping to meet other bloggers through this. You can never have too many friends!
  • Blogging is a learning experience in building a website to be and do what you want.
  • I find writing to be relaxing and cathartic, and I like how blogging is like a quick remedy when everything else is moving so fast.
  • I like having a record of what I thought of a book at that time, and the reasons why I felt that way about that plot point or that character. I like to compare it sometimes with what I think now.
  • To have fun!

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