Saturday, October 12, 2013

Michigan State Tailgate Style

Today was Homecoming at Michigan State... And since I am a PROUD SPARTAN ALUM I packed up the fam and marched to the banks of the Red Cedar with a smile on my face & a song in my heart.
Oh East Lansing, how I've missed you.
I got to point out all the houses that I went to "Graffiti Parties", places where I passed out under a bush, buildings where I had classes where I blew things up, Proud Times.

Of course I had to look at the fashion-game MSU was bringing. For the most part the people dress exactly as they did when I attended as a student, more than 1500 years ago.
Was this photo taken in 1988, 1998, 2008 or 2013? No one knows, East Lansing is a time warp.

I saw a couple AMAZING GEMS of people that were so on-point that it brought tears to my eyes
First this guy, (actually I saw him and then a girl with the exact same green striped overalls on) I love how his two friends are just totes normaled out, and the middle guy is like "YEAH NO SHIRT!!! TRUCKER HAT!! GO GREEN GO WHITE!!"
Missy asked if I thought he had underpants on, I think that is an excellent question.

and then i saw this lady... i use the term loosely.

  • Frilly MSU Hairbow
  • Crop Top
  • Frayed High-Waisted OMBRE'D & State Patched Denim shorts
  • Tube Socks

She actually is photogenic as hell in the face, but she is about 45 years old and this get-up had me breathless. I was thinking that she probably has kids that attend State now, and they are probably mortified by her Spartan/Spice-Girl/Ellie May Clampett Chic.

One thing that does deserve respect is that I know for a fact that that is an actual genuine 90s crop top, you can tell by the seaming and fit. Sadly you cant see her elaborate MSU hairbow.

From ACTUAL Students, there was some interesting style:
A lot of young man students in white wayfarers. I am 100% ON BOARD for this.

Quite a few young student ladies were wearing leggings as pants:

I even saw a girl wearing these leggings as pants... oh lawd jesus:
She was wearing them with tennis shoes and a cut-off T shirt. WHY WHY WHY?

I wore just a grey MSU t shirt and jeans
this is not me in this photo, but this is pretty much exactly what i had on for today. it is BY FAR the most tame i have dressed to go anywhere in my life.
But I had to get 3 people and a dog ready, so that's all i could accomplish.

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