Thursday, July 11, 2013

Amazing Hair for Zero dollars & Zero cents

I read an article in Allure yesterday by Miss Mary H.K. Choi (below)
where she said, "I don't cut my own hair because I'm not insane."

With her **quantum-physics baffling** cut, I really have to speak out on the mystique surrounding professional haircutting.

I have every bit of confidence that you, or your best friend can get a pair of scissors and trim up your waist-length perfect straight hair. AND YOU KNOW WHAT? If you mess up.... NO ONE WILL NOTICE **OR** CARE.

no one.

no one in the world. AND I will bet 1 billion dollars that no one will ever notice that you got any sort of cut anyways!

Love, Vanessa

We all need to chill out about hair, and I firmly believe that unless you are going for something UBER complicated like this:
you can do it yourself.

I think that the "Hair Industry" has implanted THE FEAR in us, that if you take scissors to your own mane, you may end up severing your head off.

It's freaking hair, it grows. it's not that big of a deal. You don't have to pay $100 bucks for it to be trimmed.
After I had my pixie done in Boston on April 25th, I have been trimming it myself ever since.

I color it myself too.

And every time I've had to have my hair cut or colored for modeling, the stylist would say with a condescending tone, "You'll never color or cut your hair by yourself ever again (because I the professional did such a kick ass job)". But no, that's not been the case.

I don't care to spend money on that. I would rather spend it on TOM FORD heels. (i am not a DIY cordwainer)

And guess what, if you are STILL too scared to cut your own hair, I'll do it for a 6-er of Oberon.

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