Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Shoulder Drama (warning: graphic images)

So I've been having a bit of medical drama lately.

Oh my god, I've been in such pain.
Not to sound like the doctor from The Simpsons, but it's like my shoulder is trying to secede from the rest of my body. Seriously.

This is what my shoulder looks like:

 I'm not even kidding. It's freaking hanging out. That is not normal. It's awful.

Every motion of that arm feels like a thousand bees are stinging the inside of my shoulder, or my humeral head is "cheese-gratering" my glenoid cavity. PURE MISERY.

In addition to those fun symptoms... My neck hurts from the ear on down, the muscles struggling to pull my arm back up and in the socket. My shoulder blade musculature is fighting the same battle, and as a result is constantly in spasm, but failing, because sadly... even with it's most valiant efforts, alas it is not the job it's designed for.

So I saw the surgeon... got an X-ray:
it was found that in addition to all the other fun stuff, I have a dog-tooth shaped bone spur. Oh yeah, and "arthritic changes not common for someone my age", woot woot CHAMPION!!

I got sent for a buncha fun tests:

As you may know, I've had FOUR previous surgeries on this bad boy. The push-pins and tacks that they used all those other times apparently aren't working.

And a EMG:
This actually found that my nerves are normal and doing great! Yay! That's something!!

So now I wait to see the Surgeon again and for him to tell me what the hell is going to happen next, I seriously have no idea, surgery again??

And just every day the pain gets more severe no matter what i do. Medication does not help... Bracing & Slings are not practical for my life. I just continue to do everything, but have a high level of pain and this stupid ass shoulder hanging out my body 24/7
I have no idea how this person is smiling. I'm not.

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