Monday, December 3, 2012

Dec 3 - Vanessa **Maximum Athleticism**

It's super warm today. I love it. Michigan weather is the shizzzzz. It's December, it snowed already at one point. Now today, it's foggy as all get out, and warm and lovely. No coat needed. Tomorrow we'll probably have some sort of Snow Monsoon. No one knows. It's chaos theory at work.

Spatzle and I are just waiting for M to get out of school and goofing around. Not a great light day for photography, but that's ok. I'm working some cozy layers today and my fav snake boots.

T Shirt Dress - Charlotte Ronson
Sweater - Le Tigre
Leggings - Nine West
Snake boots - Nine West

I decided to see how high I could jump, Spatz thought this was super hilarious and a great plan. Check out my vertical leap, that is at least 60 inches. It's really hard for the camera to capture such physiological greatness, but you get the point. I'm kind of like this guy:

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