Thursday, December 27, 2012

Perfection in Holiday ManStyle = Stevo

I love Steve. I just asked if I could enter a polygamous arrangement with him and his wife. He has neither accepted or declined, so i'm crossing my fingers. :-)

When you're a man, and it's time for the holidays, let's KICK OUT THE JAMS. don't default to some lame-o argyle sweater and pleated pants.... PLEASE NO. I would rather rip those from your body and have you dressed as jesus when he came into the world, naked as the day he was born.

Setting the bar for Holiday ManStyle this year is Stevo, my Love. I have ALWAYS been a fan of the Ascot, oh lawd yes. For many decades Hugh Hefner was the only man rocking these and he gets so much play, I don't know why every man in America wasn't wearing one.
But then Steve comes along and takes it to another level, pairing the lovely SILKY SENSUOUS ASCOT with the beautiful peacock blue shirt. The tone of the shirt color is setting off his complexion perfectly, highlighting the amazing Morrissey-esque hairstyle...
Also, for a touch of flair...
Everyone knows nothing says Happy Holidays like a Skull Belt Buckle. This one is from the DixieLand Flea Market, which if you haven't been... may be THE MOST AMAZING PLACE IN THE WORLD. I haven't been there in about a decade, which is so incredibly sad, I must get myself there, to spend hours touring the amazing finds of used Carhartt overalls, States of America collectors plates, and BEST OF ALL the GREATEST PEOPLE WATCHING OF ALL TIME.
They should re-market DixieLand as "The Zoo of Incredible Human Characters" because that's what it is.
The last purchase I made there, which must have been in 1997, was a SUPER GIANT belt buckle that stated simply "I LOVE COUNTRY MUSIC". Even though this is not true, i appreciated the sentiment.

Steve's Outfit:

Shirt - Sears
Ascot - gift from my wife, bought online
Belt - Dixieland Flea Market
Pants - Thrift City USA

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