Monday, December 17, 2012

This Model Life - Part One - The Workshop

Lotsa modeling was done this weekend. From top to toe, all weekend long baby. 
For starters on Saturday I was honored to attend my first day of a 4 week Runway Workshop instructed by the one and only Miss Rosita Rox. 
I actually was super lucky to have been selected to attend this workshop for free. Some generous donor paid for me to attend. I have no idea who/what they are, but I am so happy they did because it was so much fun, I am learning so much, and Rosita is seriously the best instructor on Earth, a wonderful beautiful focused perfect runway coach.  

There I am standing at the side, watching and waiting.

It's kind of like Model Drill Camp, we run our walks, we get critiques. We learn new turns. Everything is done over and over again, perfecting and perfecting until we are just these flawless model robots.

I know I've said this before, but runway modeling is so much like salsa dancing. During the workshop we learned two new turns, one of them was EXACTLY the same motion that you make during salsa dancing when your partner spins you. Get on the balls of the foot, pivot, spin that skirt!! Haha, actually I was told several times that I needed to SLOW my spin, because this is modeling not dancing. I had a little dress on, and it just made me happy to whip that thing around and pretend that I'm on the dance floor with Enrique. Dressed exactly like the photo above. LOL.

Here I am again, giggling, shocker. I've met so many wonderful people through modeling, I just love it. We have so much fun together, everyone is supportive and sweet and funny. We just have the best time together. Here the male models are showing their stuff.

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