Friday, December 28, 2012

That's A Wrap - Auto Show Gala Edition

So all the plans are coming together. The dress is on order. Sadly, I can't wear a 6 inch heel (my comfort zone heel height) since I can only get the dress in a "Long" and not an "Extra Long" oh well. I'll have to settle on being 6'2'' and not 6'6''. :-)
Hair is on lock. I have to go see my Hair Genie next week for a consult. I decided i'm doing deep red nails and natural makeup... 
Now the icing on the cake is the Coat/Wrap/Topper. I have a beautiful black wool Mackage Coat, but I wear that thing on the reg, so i don't think it will work for me mentally on a night where I am wearing a beautiful evening gown. So WWMMD? (What Would Marilyn Monroe Do?) Wear a Fur Wrap, OF COURSE. 
My goal from the beginning of this whole auto show thing was simple... To look better than anyone else there. ahhahhah. :-) and we can't just go half way with anything. We have to go ALL IN. Fur Wrap it MUST BE.

Of course there are tons of these for sale. But in my mind I have a specific fit that I would like. 

I want the fur to comfort and encircle me. Like a Mink Lover entwined around my body.

I thought of making one. I love to make things. I know a lot of wonderful creative girls that can help me with this too. I don't know how to use a sewing machine, so i would have to sew this by hand... But then I talked to my friend Christina who offered to COME OVER MY HOUSE WITH HERS! YAY! No bloody fingers!! hahha.
But can you get fur at JoAnns? I have no idea. Time to go shopping.

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