Saturday, August 3, 2013

Zebra Mussel Jewelry aka invasive species chic

Do you guys know what Zebra Mussels are?
We have them ER'RYWHERE in the Great Lakes Region.

They're an invasive species apparently originally from Southern Russia, who hitchhiked aboard Sea Vessels all the way to our fair country. The Mussels are great fans of Decoupage... As witnessed by the encasement of this shopping cart with their shells...

It's really kind of beautiful isn't it?

EVERYONE **HATES** them. They just kind of proliferate on anything that is exposed to the water that they live in. They fill up pipes, coat boat propellers.... The shells are very sharp, so they can cut your feet. Actually I got a cut on my toe from them yesterday, and about a month ago, I had to perform surgery on Stonewash's foot in our bathroom, because a shell stabbed and broke off inside his instep!

Regardless of all the negatives, they are everywhere. You can't get rid of them, so I figure there has got to be some sort of use for them. Apparently, it is frowned upon to eat them (click here for the real deal zebra mussel info), so that's not going to work. So I thought what about doing something decorative with them! Like they do with Capiz shells, isn't this chandelier gorg!?
It happened to be *novelty brooch friday* as well, so I thought "Let's Make A Zebra Mussel Brooch!"

Step 1: I hot-glued 2 of M's plastic suncatcher blanks to make a base

Step 2: I hot glued a brooch back onto that

Step 3: I sprayed the shells with a bit of silver spray paint for glamour

Step 4: Glue those bad boys on

Step 5: I thought they needed a bit more shine, so I added another coat of Silver

Step 6: PIN IT ON!!

Here's a closer view:

I kind of love that it sort of blends in with my botanical print T.

I might try to "foil" it with silver, I thought that would even bring it to another level. But we really need to find a good use for these things. Just complaining about them forever isn't giving us any advantage or forward mobility.
At least this is a start. I'll keep my thinking cap on.

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