Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Beauty & Brains


I getting back to basics. As a graduate student I really haven't have the time to dress as I would like. For those of you who have decided to expand your college life by two extra years grad school is grueling! Some people even experience weight gain and jeans become a staple in our closets.

I write this post to ask women is it important to stay sexy and  feminine? I have to admit I feel my best when my hair is done, make-up, good outfit and a visit to the gym. These essentials make me feel centered. For you graduate professionals or even doctors in training, how do you maintain your femininity?

Around campus I how many graduate students tend not to look our best. My message is never lose your sexy ladies! Even if your on a budget treat your self to your local spa a massage. This can even help your focus better, especially with those 30 page papers.

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