Thursday, February 28, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday - My Top Auto-Buy Authors

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week is a new theme to start book discussions. I've decided to jump on the bandwagon and join in!

This week it is the top ten auto-buy authors. Here are mine, in no particular order:

  • JK Rowling. Might be obvious, maybe even clichéd, but still true. While The Casual Vacancy didn't come close to living up to its predecessors, I love her style and her characters.
  • John Green. Hands down, one of my all-time favourite people/authors. Not only does he write beautiful, amazing books but is the Co-Father of Nerdfighteria. Can I put him down for like 6 of the slots??
  • Stephanie Perkins. Anna and the French Kiss was like a breath of fresh Parisian air. Lola and the Boy Next Door was like a whirlwind of colourful wigs. I love the characters she has created, especially St. Clair!
  • Brian Jacques. I know he's technically dead so no new books are going to materialise but still. When I was younger, I loved the Redwall series. Before I discovered the concept of spoilers, I used to go to the back and read the epilogue first. God, imagine if I had done that with HP7?? The horror!
  • Veronica Roth. I love the world she has built and continues to build, and also Four. Can't wait for Detergent!
  • Suzanne Collins. I think this was the first big dystopian series I read, and I was immediately hooked. I'm interested to see what comes next for her.
  • Beth Revis. Her Across the Universe 'verse is a fascinating take on the dystopian future genre. Shades of Earth is definitely on my to-read list.
  • L.A. Weatherly. I love a bit of supernatural, and her Angel series really ticks the box. It was by chance that I picked this book up (actually at a book signing) and I was not disappointed. Angel Fire is waiting to be read.
Ok, so I could only come up with seven for this one. But just take it as read that John Green fills up the remaining slots...

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