Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Face/Beauty Modeling Strike-Out

 So I've been auditioning for some Face/Beauty modeling jobs, and things aren't going so well. *whomp whomp*

 I was pretty proud of my hair-do today, my cornrow abilities are getting **off tha chains!!**
Wearing this sweet hairstyle and purple eye makeup and heels, i met my husband for lunch today in his business suit. Sometimes I wonder what people think of the two of us together. That maybe they expect me to look something more like this...

Hahha, I was looking into it, and for Face/Beauty modeling it really is kind of about a formula, and they are looking for certain proportions. I know that my face is not traditional, and that's ok, i like it the way it is. Like check out this, I guess there is a "Golden Ratio" of Beauty... certain distances of features and stuff, *scientists* have created this "mask" of the measurements and can perfectly superimpose it over the visage of classic beauties such as...
Marilyn (obviously)

Angelina, or
supermodel Agyness Deyn

So maybe I *should* just stick to runway modeling, because *werqin that walk* is something I know I can do.

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