Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday - Books At The TOP Of My 2013 TBR list!

It's that time of the week again. Time for Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

Today's Top Ten Topic is... *drum roll*...

The Top Ten Books At The TOP Of My Spring 2013 TBR list!
  • The Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin. Actually reading that right now. I am loving this series. A cross between fantasy and historical fiction. Full of political wrangling and nefarious underhanded plots. And I'm pretty sure Tyrion is my favourite character.
  • Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel. This is a book I've been meaning to read for ages. It's Tudor historical fiction. I just know I'll love it.
  • Bring up the Bodies by Hilary Mantel. Same.
  • Crossed by Ally Condie. I just reviewed Matched and this is the follow up. Probably going to start this soon.
  • Les Misérables by Victor Hugo. Again, currently reading this. This is the book I'm reading in the background. I wanted to start reading a few classics and I wanted to read the book that inspired the musical.
  • Angel Fire by L.A. Weatherly. I really enjoyed the first book of this series and have been meaning to read this for ages. Hopefully I'll get around to it this year...
  • VIII by H.M. Castor. Another Tudor historical fiction but young adult. It's like they knew I was coming.
  • Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan. I've been wanting to read some books by this guy for a while. I've read his collaboration with John Green and really enjoyed it so I have high hopes.
  • Dominion by C.J. Sansom. Some more historical fiction but set in the 50s and with a What If twist. I'm intrigued.
  • The Marlowe Papers by Ros Barber. A book written entirely in verse. After reading Chopsticks, a story told in photographs, I want expand my horizons with different ways of telling stories. I'm excited about this one.

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