Friday, May 31, 2013

Man of Style = Russell Westbrook

I am so in love with Russell Westbrook's style. 
I mean, there is NOT another NBA player that can touch him as far as fashion is concerned. 
I will google image search this guy ALL THE DAMN DAY. 
 He knows color.
Amazing styling.
I love his glasses frames collection.

 He's only 6'3''
So I am taller than him in heels.
And I may be able to borrow his clothing.

 Whatever the hell this print is, sign me up.

 Camo skinnies into Jordans?
That is freaking Einstein-caliber brilliant.

 I just want to know.
Where the HELL in Oklahoma City does he shop?

 Does he have a stylist?

 Or is he the most amazing 24 year old sartorial genius of our time?

 Please let him design the new NBA uniforms.

 Sockless loafers with slightly short pants?????
ahhhhhhh molto italiano. ammmmmmore'

THIS SILK BOMBER??? A Quadrillion times YES!

Gisele's Rockin Body 2 months after giving birth

This Lady gave birth to a beautiful daughter 2 months ago.
Can you believe it?
Well yes, you should believe it because I want to put this in perspective for you.
Gisele is a *VERY* small framed 5'11'' woman that has been a professional model for all of her adult life.
She knows how to move her body in preparation for a monocular camera vision. And in doing that, she knows how to position her limbs so that some are accentuated and some recede.
She is being photographed by Mario Testino, who is a legendary fashion photographer and knows the angles to shoot at to make her look her best.
Hair and makeup teams have worked on her, stylist have selected garments to show off her shape best, and MOST IMPORTANTLY she has been lit for body perfection.
Let's not even go into a photoshopping discussion.

I love Gisele, she's a TOTAL PRO, but I don't want anyone to feel bad about themselves when they see these photos. Love yourself and remember this is her occupation.


My Skin Care Regimen


Many people have problems with their skin. Skin problems can range from acne, blemishes etc. Over the years people have asked me how do I keep my complexion clear. Today I’m going to give you my skin care regimen and my approach to keeping my skin healthy.


Drink Lots of Water

Yes its true water is an essential part of my diet. I can go through 7-8 bottles of water a day. Water is a great way to cleanse our bodies and removes toxins. It’s recommended that we should drink half our body weight.


Use Natural Cleansers

I’ve always taken a natural approach to my regimen. My great grandmother swore by oatmeal. Yes oatmeal. Once a week I take about half a cup of oatmeal and make it a mask then I put it on my face for about 5-10 while in the shower then I rinse, you can do this daily if you wish. My mother uses witch hazel to tone our skin. Oats and which hazel should be in your cabinets.



I eat a lot of veggies. I love kale and collard greens in particular. I also eat plenty of spinach. Fruits like pineapple can help clear blemishes if applied to the skin and apples are great whiten the teeth naturally and help to flesh out our kidneys.


Clean Make Up Brushes

This is so true. Please clean your make up brushes regularly as they can and do cause break outs. I personally had a very nasty break out on the right side of my face as a result of not cleaning my brushes. Never again.

I take sleep seriously. If my favorite show comes on around 10pm, guess what? I'll record it and watch the next day. I believe that a good night sleep  helps us all look more rested and can alive stress.

So this is my skin care routine. I hope you guys enjoyed. If you have any more questions just write a comment and I’ll get back with you soon. Enjoy your weekend!

“beauty is a lifestyle”

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Currently Coveting - Miu Miu "Rasoir" Sunnies

I just saw these sunglasses in Harper's Bazaar last night.

OMFG. How fabulous? You can buy them here (click here) for $335, which I don't think is really that bad for such a statement piece.

I love the spin on a classic shape with the cut-off on the bottom. It's very flattering and tres chic.

Cabbage Mandarine Salad


This is a very quick and easy salad I had when I was an intern at the Us Department of State in the Middle Eastern Division. I was a Foreign Service intern and I meant a very kind lady who's husband had been assigned to Qatar. That was a wonderful experience as I actually had the chance to meet the Qatari ambassador. The salad consisted of a bag of cabbage, a can of Mandarin organs, carrots with salt and pepper to your liking. This lite salad is delicious and very healthy. Make sure you drain the orange prior to putting them in the cabbage. You can eat this with a piece of chicken breast and top it off with almonds if you like.

"beauty is a lifestyle"

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Skin-Cancerkini

Gross? yeah it is. These are on my body. awesome. :-)

After yesterday's firey "Fatkini" discussion. I was thinking, "wow, ok, so people of lots of different SIZES are comfortable wearing skin bearing garments to the beach. But I am not."

I live on a lake and am at the beach (my front yard) every single day... Looking like this...
Sun Hat, Large sunglasses, T shirt, shorts and SPF 50 all over.

I bet you anything that my neighbors think that I have some weird body image issues and that I'm ashamed or afraid to wear a swimsuit. Not true. I'm just so afraid to die.

My dream of all dreams would be to traipse around in a fur bikini like Raquel Welch
But every lesion that I've had removed has been of the "bad" sort, and I don't want to push my luck.

So for every ray of sunshine that hits my uncovered skin I think, "Am I going to have that Ginsu'd off?"

I actually thought about buying a flesh-colored full body suit like this:
Hahha, and then getting one of those ULTRA CUTE MODCLOTH SWIM SUITS

to wear OVER IT!

Wouldn't that be awesome? From far away, I'm sure that people wouldn't notice that it's just ecru spandex? hahahha.

So when you are stressing about your beautiful body in swimwear, whether it be size 0 or size 100, think of me. I just found a new non-healing boo boo spot on my forearm.


"Write in your heart that everyday is the best day of the year." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Last week I posted an inspirational quote and I think its something that I will make apart of the blog. I personally love reading motivational quotes because they inspire and since its hump day, I figured a motivational quote is the best way to get us through. Enjoy!

"beauty is a lifestyle"

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Haters gonna hate... ON ME

I Love Gabi Fresh. I love her blog. I love her tweets. She has great style. She's great in InStyle magazine now. She's fabulous. She designed these super-cool bikinis below. AND she is modeling it. Beautiful woman. I have always thought so.

 So today on Twitter, I saw a woman (@stellaboonshoft) tweet that she wanted to swap sizes of what she called "a size 18 @GabiFresh Galaxy Fatkini", I thought, EGADS that is what someone is calling this suit? This two-piece bathing suit? Which all two piece bathing suits I have ever seen in my life regardless of size have been called bikinis. Unless they have a tank-top-esque upper piece, then they are called "Tankinis".
Another woman piped up on twitter named @audpicc and tweeted something about how I **obviously don't understand Fatkini culture** "gestures a swiping hand over my head Woosh!", and the Stella girl then said to me, "assuming your icon is you (which it is), as a non-fat woman your opinion doesn't matter. We like the term, we wear the suits."


I just couldn't believe such a barbed attack was hedged against me from several angles!

I tried to think of some way I could put myself in the situation to understand it. What do I have that most people regard as large? OH YEAH, MY SIZE 11 FEET!

I will call my feet sasquatch feet. They are huge. This is obvious. I can't do anything about it, and I'm not ashamed. 
We do not call a shoe in a larger size a different name than a shoe in a smaller size.
See what I'm getting at here?
When I've been shoe shopping and scored an amazing pair in my size, sometimes I've said, "YAY YOU HAVE SASQUATCH SIZE!" which then the shoe department girl looks at me with a sad pitying look and says something like, "ohhhh, it's not that big.." or something like that. 

So if I saw someone of conventional shoe size defending me for being made fun of, I would say, "Thank you, but that's ok, I'm not upset by that derogatory term." I wouldn't ATTACK that person. What the hell?

Now I'm going to get all deep on y'all.

Why is it that people love to divide themselves into groups and then crap on the people that they do not accept? It is so bizarre. Why are these women being defensive? Do they hate me for what I look like? This is so weird. 

Lest we forget I am also 6 foot tall and have been teased about this every day for my entire life:
But I love it, so everyone can kiss my 50 foot ass. hahhah. 

But I will kiss you back, because I love all of you for who you are and I'm not going to group bully people on Twitter. And yeah, I'm being superior and I don't care. 

Love, The Jolly Green Giant, Sasquatch footed, 50 meter woman.

Things I Won't Wear that everyone LOVES. and things I LOVE that everyone HATES

The other day I was talking about how I hate white jeans, and I believe my friend Kelly was thinking that I was saying that they're *ugly*, but what I really meant was that, They are a Clothing Item that I Will Not Wear. I don't really have a reason for this... I mean look at all these gorgeous celebrity ladies rockin them so hard...
Werq Werq Werq Werq.

That got me thinking about other items I will not wear or buy, and here they are. Feel free to psychoanalyze me and try to figure out why I won't put any of these things on my body. 

I don't want ANYONE to be offended by this. I want everyone to wear what they like, and to shine like the brightest star in the universe. I mean, think about it this way... How many of you would wear a Vintage Waitress dresses everyday and cut all your hair off on a whim? See, exactly. 

1. Vera Bradley stuff
 I don't like the prints, or the quilting, these do not make me happy at all.

2. Ankle boots
I have the exact pair that this girl is wearing, and I tried putting them together with so many outfits... Dresses, jeans, skirts and I just hated how it looked. So they just sit in my closet rotting.

3. Bandage Dresses
 Yeah, blah blah blah, everyone says, "they'd look great on you!" NO. NO NO NONONO

4. Bubble Necklaces
They are like the *milk toast* way to do a statement necklace.

5. Chambray shirts
All of my fashion blogger friends are saying I need to get one of these, I know I would never wear one.

6. Printed skinnies
Like the *quadzillas* need more attention... LOL

7. High Waisted Ripped Denim Booty Shorts
omg, in my own personal hell, I will be required to wear these.

8. Jean Jacket
Not for me.

9. Strapless Maxi

Never in a trillion years.

10. Tank tops
This one people always think I'm on crack for not wearing. I just can't wear one. I'll wear one UNDER something, but not on their own. It scares me.

11. White Capris (well, pretty much any capris)
I didn't go through the 1990s as a teen wearing floods to put these on my leggies today. It is just not happening.

NOW... Things I love that EVERYONE HATES!!!

1. Adidas slides
Which I wore with THIS OUTFIT this weekend!! Hahhahha!! Quelle Horror!!!

2. Track Jackets
I will wear them with EVERYTHING ever, forever and ever, AMEN.

3. Ugly Gramma Bras
Oh yeah, I'm as hot as this 65 year old woman in my lingerie. AND MY HUBS LOVES IT. so there. 

Are Bangs the Answer?

"Hair style is the final tip-off whether or not a woman really knows herself."
Hubert de Givenchy

                           Ms. Jolie went green with her wig for her 2008 Vanity Fair shoot.

Hair styles come and go just as fashion. However, this year I think we are seeing a variety of different hair styles. I wanted to highlight the different ways I've noticed bangs are being rocked now a days. The two women who stick out to me the most are Jessica Biel and Michelle Obama. Biel and Mrs. Obama bangs are workable for their face. Personally I think its a fresh alternative to all the messy braids that many actresses and t.v personalities had been wearing for years....
I think around 2007 bangs had come back in style briefly then disappeared. Now Mrs. Obama decided to bang it out with her shoulder length hair. I think it's lovely.

If you have long hair a great example of a little cut without being drastic is actress Jessica Biel. I find her low lights warm and softening her face.  No matter how you chose to style your locks make sure they are healthy. I think that's the basis of any hairstyle. So what styles are you guys rocking? Could the bang be the style all women can wear?

"beauty is a lifestyle"