Sunday, June 2, 2013

Chime for Change


 I love a worthy cause especially one that promotes the well being of women. The Chime for Change concert was held yesterday and was headlined by Beyonce Knowles-Carter and other notable artist such a Jennifer Lopez and John Legend. I've never heard of the event prior to yesterday. However, it was founded by design house Gucci and is a new women's and girls empowerment initiative that promotes education, health and justice.

                           From left to right Blake Lively, Freda Pinto, and another red haired actress.

Blake Lively looks super cute in her white mini. I love her up do and turquoise jewelry. Freda Pinto I love love love your suit. I don't know if powdery red lips are Freda's signature but she does it well.  Personally I love when women wear androgynous inspired suits. I think Isabella Rossellini may have started this. I could be wrong but I remember her style was always masculine as is Diane Keaton's.

                                            Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez

Hmmm.....dueling diva's? People have always said Beyonce was another version of JLo... Or maybe they have the similar  taste??... On any account Bey and JLo look great.

"beauty is a lifestyle"

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