Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Man of Style - Darin Downs

From a healthcare perspective photos like this give me the heeby-jeebys. All I think is medial epicondyle avulsion fracture. But anyways, to something MUCH more important.....

I went to the gym today and the Detroit Tiger's game was on. I saw a man step in to pitch with this bouncy mane of lovely espresso colored curls. I thought who is this?
I always like when men sport a *statement* hairstyle, whatever that statement may be, or "power beard" or something that they just do that is not hipster/look-at-me-ish, but it's something that is JUST THEM. *take me as i am* This beautiful chocolate halo hiding under his cap is exactly what I'm talking about, and I love it.
And if you didn't need reason enough to adore him, look at the photo below. **UNIVERSAL AWWWWWWWW!!!**

ums Hello Kitty.

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