Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Street Style - Legos Rock

It's so awesome that Lovely Gorgeous Teena is wearing this today, because just last night i was playing with my kids and the neighbors kids and their dog, and all of my neighbor's kids had Lego shirts on and I thought THOSE ARE SO AWESOME!!
I told the kids, "I LOOOOOVE LEGOS". I seriously do. We have to do Mega-Blocks right now because Junior finds regular Legos delicious... but in time we will transfer over to the real deal and I am so excited.
Kid things are fun. I know Teena likes to color in coloring books. I pretty much am playing kid games all day, just because that is fun for me. But sometimes I wish that more adults could chill out and take themselves a little less seriously. Play with some Legos, Rock the Lego Shirt, Have some Fun, Get Silly. It's really fun, and you will be ok, I promise. :-)

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