Friday, November 30, 2012

Nov 30 Vanessa & Monkey-Head

yeah, my internet was down today.

and I don't mean "down" like "down with the sickness" or "oh yeah, i'm totally down!" This was down in a bad way. But finally I just ended up going to Caribou to post this. I was just about done with every crap thing i had to do today anyways, so right now I'm sitting, drinking tea and listening to terrible coffee-shop Xmas music. bleh. at least it's not regular coffee-shop music, that is WAYYYYYY WORSE.
I think I'm going to go home and run on the treadmill for about 7 hours, and just forget today happened.

Track Jacket - Hurley (thrifted
Purple T - Express
Leggings - Thrifted
Mini Skirt - Express
Snake Boots - Nine West

Spatzle is wearing a vintage baby cowboy shirt, it is amazing.

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