Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Hot Moms

Said in my terrible Michigan accent "Hot Moms" is pronounced "Haaaaat Maaaaams" LOL. 

The other day, a friend of mine asked, "What is your secret? How do you maintain that physicality with kids?" Which made me think about it.... I know A LOT of Smokin Hot Moms. And ESPECIALLY girls that I was on the Rowing Team with. ALL of them are the hottest moms of all time. So I asked three of my Rowing teammates, all mothers, what their secret to MILFy-goodness is, and here's what they said:

Lovely Liz
Liz has THREE KIDS. THREE BOYS. Can you believe it? Look at her!? She looks like a freaking Disney Princess! Liz is an amazing runner, she has LASER-FAST times for marathons/halfs/10miles/etc.etc.
For fitness she runs about 4 times a week, minimum 4 miles or more (anything less is not worth it, and I totally agree, just wait til you have time to get a REAL ONE in, we are so hardcore). This year she's going to add weight lifting to the routine as well, and she has a 40 lb two-year-old boy to lug around, which is *as you know* a HUGE workout on it's own.
For eating habits, Liz is a pretty clean eater... No fast food, no junk food, but of course the occasional indulgence now and then.

Luscious Lindsey
Lindsey is also a MOTHER OF THREE!! Look at that SMOKIN HOT BOD!! Is your mindblown? Mine is. She's amazing.
For fitness Lindsey is serious about doing some racing. She loves running marathons, she does triathlons, trail running, she has a schedule full of races, which she says keeps her motivated. Liz also likes to keep things on the docket to keep you excited to run, and so do I. Running races is really fun. So Lindsey is doing some serious training. So she runs 3-4 times per week, about 5/6 miles, various terrain... and also she does boxing twice a week, and athletic yoga a couple times a week as well. That is a well rounded fitness routine. *high fives*
For eating Lindsey eats what she wants in moderation. She does not deprive herself, she will eat that ice cream, and then go running again the next day. Excellent. 

Lively Lynda
Here is me with Lynda, she's on the Right.
Beautiful, gorgeous Lynda is the mother of two!!!!! Makes you want to slap yourself!!
For fitness Lynda does dance parties with her children. Time to go to the gym has gone out the window since her son still isn't sleeping through the night, and WE ALL KNOW that drains you like nothing else. So in lieu of the gym, she Party Rocks at her own house. Which I also LOVE to do.
For food Lynda has taught *Weight Management* classes for the last 9 years, so she knows a ton about what to eat, and what is nutritious. She sticks with veggies, protein and low GI carbs for her meals, with snacks of veggies and fruit. Of course she splurges every once in awhile, pizza is her fav fun food.

Vivacious Vanessa
I am the Mom of Two Fabulous little Rugrats. One of my Rugrats does not enjoy having her photo taken. :-)
For fitness I work out for an hour every day. I effin love it. it is my solstice. Lindsey also said this, it's our sanity saver. It's my time to read and listen to music and no one asks me anything, it's wonderful. I exercise after the kids go to sleep. Usually running, or biking. Oh yes, and heel-walking (i'm not joking) to practice my turns and walk for the runway.
Also, I am playing with the kids hardcore every single day. We are dancing, in the summer we don't drive anywhere - we walk. At the park i am all up in the equipment with the kids. I really enjoy playing with them, i never grew out of it. Also, i never really did strollers, i believe they discriminate against tall people, so I carry my 20 lb son and 40 lb daughter all the time, sometimes at the same time.
For food i eat the same thing pretty much every single day. cereal breakfast, coffee, turkey sammy lunch, granola bars, tons of fruit. I love taco bell and ice cream, but we rarely go out, I cook dinner every day, i love to cook. If i want something yummy, i eat it. my kids also like to eat off my plate, esp Spätz. I always say, "MOMMY NEEDS FOOD TOO!"

BOOM there it is. 

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