Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jan 31st - Vanessa

 It's gotten cold again in the D. One thing that's hilarious about living here is that it can be 70 degrees one day and then minus 20 the next. I don't have any meteorology knowledge, but I'm sure if you are into that, this is a fun place to live and practice your art, due to the sheer randomness.
Since it's freezing outside, I am so happy I have my vast collection of thick 1960s polyester. There is nothing that will keep you warmer. Wearing this printed dress is like having 17 layers of goose-down on your body, impenetrable to the cold.
Jr is rocking his Mötorhead T, and looking like a tough Black Metal Dude. Which he is, since the time when he lived in my tummy, doing circle-pits in my abdomen.
These shoes, truth be told, I probably won't wear when I actually get outside, I love them, but it's freaking windy and icy *like a boss* out there. These are the shoes that I bought on the way to go shopping with Tom the first time, so I wouldn't show up to shop with him in my MOON BOOTS. I have a pretty sizable scar on my forefoot from wearing them for 6 hours of shopping without breaking them in... Sometimes, beauty = pain. oh well. :-)

My outfit:
Blazer - Forever 21
Dress - Vintage
Belt - H&M
Leggings - Thrifted
Shoes - Target
Specs - Lucky Brand

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