Saturday, January 19, 2013

NAIAS Charity Gala **Full Coverage**

Last night was the *North American International Auto Show* Charity Gala (website here)
I WAS SOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED ABOUT THIS!!! OMG! I don't think my feet touched the ground all day. 
I woke up at about 830am to hear Stephen Clark (photo below)
talking about me on 96.3 Radio WDVD (link here). I had tried to help his gorgeous wife find a dress for the Charity Gala, but she ended up finding one on her own, and she looked AMAZING! Oh my lawd, you should see this couple together, they are like a pair of perfect, living, hollywood glamour Dolls. Just too much beauty for two people to have, and be married to each other. #j'adore !!

So after hearing Mr. Clark rave about how amazing I am, and how I am the best most important **SUPERMODEL** in all of the Detroit Metro Area. I decided that maybe I should think about getting ready, or possibly at least taking a shower. 

Ever since the removal of my hair for the Artistry in Motion Hair Show, I've been yearning to have my long locks back. So, because I'm not Rapunzel, nor BeWitched and I just can't wrinkle my nose for my tresses to magically lengthen, I WENT AND BOUGHT ME SOME HAIR. I know a lady at the local beauty supply and she had some amazing human hair (yeah, that freaks me out too) that was my exact color, only problem, it was not on clips, and I was not going to have time to get it sewn in. So she said, "just sew the clips in yourself!" i.e. the most terrifying proposal of all time. WHAT IF I MESS UP THE HAIR, THIS STUFF IS REALLY EXPENSIVE!! WHAT IF IT LOOKS CHEESY AND UNNATURAL?? AHHHHH!!!!! So I did sew them on, but my heart-rate was about 7,000 bpm. and I was seriously sweating from fear. 

Next I needed jewelry, the dress I was planning to wear has a plunging neckline, and I think that it's best to leave that empty and open, let your body shine as the focal point. But I thought an *arm party* of bracelets would be a great idea. *BOOM* Forever 21

The dresses arrived. I had borrowed 2. This is the one that I decided against. It just didn't speak to me. I don't like the length, too short. and i've never liked a strapless neckline. So back to the closet you go. 

These are the shoes I decided on. They are salsa dancing shoes. Low heel, big deal, who cares, they were in my closet. I wasn't going to spend some money on some crap ugly low heels that I was never going to wear again. 

I oh so gingerly got the *bonus* hair clipped in, and curled the whole thing, rolling and pinning, like I'm Joan Holloway from MadMen. No makeup yet, and in my favie robe.

*Mission Get Ready*- Complete. It only took about 7 hours start to finish, including getting nails done and buying the bracelets. The women that I love at Sephora sold me some of that Oscar Blandi Dry Shampoo, (buy here). OMG!! BUY THIS STUFF NOW!! It gives your hair a nice grip so you can do anything to it. It's like having Don Draper glare at your hair and growl, "DO WHAT I SAY."

Stonewash dropped me off in front, and the wind was about **hurricane level intensity**, I am not even exaggerating. I ran in the door. Instantly grabbed a glass of champagne (ahhhhh, yes) and saw my friend Jose Aliaga who is a Trustee of the Township of Independence He also does an AWESOME FOUNDATION to help CHILDREN (check it out here). We hang out at Caribou Coffee often, and it was wonderful to see his smiling face as I entered the door to Cobo Hall. Here's Jose below. I'm actually sitting with him RIGHT NOW. 
Also, he wants me to do a TV show for Clarkston Public Television, which to me is the most terrifying thing on earth, but I'm still meeting with him on Tuesday about it. Will I be allowed to roll around and giggle on the floor? I hope so, because that's one of my staple movements. 

 Finally, Stonewash arrived, and we started "looking at cars" (people-watching like a boss). He had been at the show all week, so it was kind of nice, I would say, "I WANT TO SEE A MERCEDES!" and boom, he would lead me right to it. Like a human NAIAS GPS.

Here's the new Corvette that everyone's talking about. it is pretty cool. I wonder if I could fit a couple car-seats in the back of that thing. I like how that guy in the background is thinking, "If that car was a woman, I would do her so hard." hahhahhah.

 Gangster-leaning by the actual car that Abraham Lincoln drove to deliver the Gettysburg Address.

Stonewash is totally **STONEWASHING OUT** on this Toyota. If I drove this car, every single day I would created some beautiful landscape to be broadcast from the paint. One day the Himalayas. One day The Seychelles. One day, Jesus riding a rocket-ship. The possibilities are endless.

This is the car we drove to the Charity Ball in, I mean, can you believe the amazing parking spot Stonewash got? Also, this car has submarine capabilities and shark-proof lasers.

Best Street Style tonight. The guy in the pink ruffled tux shirt is carrying a paper cup from Subway. I mean, "REALLY? A SUBWAY CUP?" That better be full of liquor or else he just gets 10 thousand points for simply being subversive. I love people. Oh yeah, and his shoes are great. Creepers. Classic.

We are walking around and I see this **VISION of GORGEOUSNESS** and look who it is!? My beautiful model-friend Kathy Thrasher. Look at that gown, are you kidding me, she looks amazing as always. She was with our other ultra-handsome model friend Norm Johnson (i had to show you a photo of him below, so good looking)
 oh Norm. Look at you....

This poor cobbler/orphan from the 1920s got lost on his way to drop off moonshine to Steve Buscemi on "BoardWalk Empire". I took pity on him, offered him a sip of champagne, to which he replied, "Remember, it's prohibition ma'am." Oh yeah, crap. Not in my dimension. Thank goodness.

There were all these exciting looking mini-parties going on above the main floor. I told Stonewash, let's go to that. We were at the Audi exhibit and I saw a stairwell, there was a woman there, and she said, "may I please see your key?". I said, "my keys? I have no idea where my keys are." Apparently that was the code-word to let us in and drink and eat for free in this luxurious elevated suite on Audi's coin. Fifteen Audi supplied champagnes later (and Stonewash ate about a cow's worth of Beef Wellington), we decided to walk around again.

Wow! Can you believe it? It's the car that the guys on "Entourage" drive around in the beginning credits to that TERRIBLE TERRIBLE SONG. I seriously would like to know who green-lighted that song (here it is if you want to hear/watch it, and see the car). We watched the hell out of some Entourage and I had this sweet dance that I would do to that song, it involved a lot of fist pumping and #1s in the air, oh and some slow-lunging. So awful. But it was a great show. 

It was almost time to leave, after all of this fun, we had such a great time, so I wanted to stop and try to find Mr. 007 himself, James Bond aka Tom Leyden. Doesn't he look ravishing? It takes your breath away. Mr. Stephen Clark with his classic Cary Grant good-looks was also there, so I finally got to meet him face to face, which was wonderful. What sweet, amazing men. Channel 7 WXYZ is your place to find dark-haired, sassy, stallion men!! Laydeez, keep this in mind!!!! :-)

Sooooo hungry. We went to Ruth Chris (website here). Here I did my best impression of a *Food Instagram* since EVERYONE loves those. This petite filet with blue cheese was SO AMAZINGLY GOOD i wanted to love it and hug it and keep it forever. oh yeah, then i ate it. And it was so warm and wonderful in my tummy. NOM NOM NOM.

Bundled up, wine and steak time over, ready to head home. Ahhh, what a wonderful night. I seriously think this was the best time I've ever had. Top to toe, BEST BEST BEST. 

However, this morning. I learned that i love champagne, but i don't think champagne loves me. #whompwhomp :-)

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