Friday, January 4, 2013

Jan 4 - Vanessa - Mommin' Out

We are dancing to the "Ain't Nobody Got Time For That" video, see below.

My kids were out-of-town for a couple days this week. and it just made me realize how much of my identity is tied to being a Mom. I missed everything about them. the poop. the vomit. the whining. the tickle-fests. the hilarious comments. the DANCING! I was starving to be around my little ones. I held a baby at the grocery store of a woman that I didn't even know. I gave a hug to a little girl at CVS. I brushed out my friend's daughter's hair. I'm just such a mom through and through, I couldn't wait for them to come back. Being with them means more than anything to me. I had a big breakthrough in my modeling career yesterday, and bookings are flowing in like a landslide. But I don't really want this to be "work". I firmly want to devote my time to being here for my two little ones. I am not willing to spend time away from them to do anything, no matter what. When I'm on my deathbed, will I say, "oh yeah, it was awesome when XYZ happened at my job." ? No. I will say, "It was awesome when the kids and i made a matchbox car track all over the whole house with masking tape."

My outfit:
Detroit Hoodie - MooseJaw
T shirt Dress - Samantha Ronson
Leggings - Target
Intergalactic Space Boots - Random Mall store

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