Saturday, February 8, 2014

NYFW Cushnie et Ochs Fall/Winter 2014

A couple days ago i read that Carly Cushnie & Michelle Ochs were inspired by Michael Jackson... Belle du Jour... and Ancient Aliens (my favorite show) for their Fall/Winter 2014 collection, and I just could not wait to see it.

It did not disappoint...

This look is obviously something that the Ancient Aliens told Catherine Deneuve to wear to attract daytime Johns.
 So pretty and cut so well.

When Michael Jackson takes the helm of an Ancient Aliens ship and travels back to 2012, when peplums were fresh, he wears this.

I've long thought that Yves Saint Laurent had some assistance in his designs since he was just so ahead of his time. I never realized it was the work of Ancient Aliens.
 I believe Luis Bunuel directly commissioned the Ancient Aliens to place the idea for this top into Yves Saint Laurent's head, then pluck it out, just leaving the shadow of it for Cushnie et Ochs to find. Do you follow?

Since Aliens, especially of the Ancient vein are usually putzing around the Southwest, it makes total sense that cowboy hats would be involved.

All kidding aside I loved this collection, and am so glad that Carly & Michelle are confident enough to declare their awesome silly gangster inspo to the world. You can view the entire collection (here)

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