Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Let Me Eat Cake!

I have discovered a previously untapped skill of mine!

Apparently, I can bake a mean chocolate cake!

It is a favourite question/remark about how I work in a sweet shop and that I must find it hard not to just eat sweets all day. Actually, if I worked in a cake shop, I'd have no resistance. Cake is my biggest weakness.

Anyway, my mum charged me with the task of making some cake and I think you'll find I nailed it.

Look at this beauty:

I almost didn't want to cut into it...
Chocolate cake with fresh strawberries and whipped cream filling, covered in chocolate buttercream. I followed Lorraine Pascal's recipe, which is rather extravagant but definitely well worth it.

Om nom nom nom nom...
And it is delicious, if I may say so.

Reckon I could enter the Great British Bake Off next year? I only need to be able to bake a victoria sponge right?

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