Friday, August 24, 2012

Ten Steps to a Successful Life

  1. Learn the 3 "R"s - reading, writing and arithmetic
  2. Pass SATs/entrance exams and get into good secondary school
  3. Get five good (A*-C) GCSEs including English, maths and science
  4. Get at least three A-Levels in "good" subjects i.e. Sciences, humanities, not "Mickey Mouse studies"
  5. Get into (a good) university
  6. Get a decent degree in a "useful" subject
  7. Get a good/proper job
  8. Buy a house
  9. Get a husband/wife/partner
  10. Have some kids and start the cycle again 
N.B. Not all steps have to be completed in this order

Obviously, not everyone would fit this order of events for various reasons but it feels like there is a definite perception that these steps are the prescribed way to be considered successful. In life.

And I've stalled at Step 7.
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