Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Post-Olympic Slump

Party time at the Closing Ceremony
After seven years of planning, building, worrying, cynicism and Britishness, the London 2012 Olympic Games are over.

And there seems to be a nationwide feeling of emptiness.

For two weeks, the streets, parks and cities have been distinctly quieter as everyone has been glued to the television watching the exploits of Team GB.

And now me and a significant portion of the British population believe that London should have the Olympics every time!

Mainly because who else could have Voldemort, Mary Poppins and a parachuting Queen in their Opening Ceremony, or the Spice Girls alongside Eric Idle in the Closing Ceremony?

Well, anyway, the Olympics have been awesome. Team GB won 29 golds and 65 total medals, and we got to see some amazing sport happen in places we all recognise so well.

On the upside, the Paralympics are still to come before we really do have to wait four years til Rio 2016.

And all I can say is: Good Luck, Rio.

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